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What we do

Some girls in the rural communities of developing countries can miss school and work every month because they don't know how to manage their monthly period. 


They are ashamed of it, and could end up losing their jobs or falling behind in school and possibly dropping out.  Project Precious doesn't just aim to educate these women but also change their perspective - that having their menstrual period is actually a precious thing and something they should be proud of.   It is an empowering journey towards embracing womanhood.


Project Precious has been implemented in Cambodia, and we hope to spread this across as many developing countries as possible.

In addition to femenine hygiene education, Project Precious works with

the home team at Sihanok Hospital in Phnom Penh to develop toilets for schools and evicted communities in Cambodia.  Some schools  share as few as 4 toilets between over 600 boys and girls between 13-18 and their male and female teachers. Building toilets isn't just for hygiene and sanitation but for the dignity of the young women. This will minimize missing school when they are having their period for fear of humiliation and not having proper facilities like their own female toilets and disposal bins.


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